

Our Services

Venta de aviones y helicópteros

Airplane and Helicopter Sales

In order to make a right pur­chase of an air­craft whether it is a fixed wing or rotor wing (Cess­na, Piper, Robin­son, Bell, etc.) it requires Knowl­edge and Expe­ri­ence.
At Ari­ca we analyse your require­ment before offer­ing an air­craft. This way we can rec­om­mend witch air­craft offers more ben­e­fits for your Invest­ment.

Venta y Servicios de Aviónica

Avionic Sales and Service

The brands we use are lead­ers in the AVIATION mar­ket (nav­i­ga­tion, com­mu­ni­ca­tion and instru­ment inte­gra­tion sys­tems for air­craft). In our avion­ic shop not only do we check that your instru­ments are in prop­er oper­at­ing con­di­tion but we can install equip­ment that will help you improve the infor­ma­tion you need for a safer flight.

Mantenimiento en línea

Line Maintenance

We offer line main­te­nance with qual­i­fied per­son­al at our cer­ti­fied ser­vice sta­tion # ARICA-04‑N. We can work on most air­craft (under 5.700 Kg), engines and com­po­nents.

Taxi aéreo/ Coordinación de vuelos

Air Taxi/Flight Arrangement

We arrange your air taxi needs depend­ing in your pref­er­ence and require­ments in the best air­craft Avail­able.

Venta de Repuestos

Parts Sales

We keep a large Inven­to­ry of orig­i­nal parts with their air­wor­thi­ness approval tags.

Aceites y Lubricantes

Oil and Lubricant Sales

We offer the best name brands of oil and lubri­cant in order to give long life and safe­ty to the oper­a­tion of your engine and air­craft.

Recepción y Despacho de Aeronaves

Aircraft Dispatch

We will Receive, Dis­patch, and Care for your air­craft while it’s in our HANGAR 7.

Entrenamiento de Helicóptero

Helicopter Training

Coor­di­nat­ing with Robin­son Heli­copter Com­pa­ny fac­to­ry train­ing or with an ecuado­ri­an pilot instruc­tor, we can pre­pare a spe­cial­ized pro­gram just for your needs.

Entrenamiento Policial

Police Training

With the pres­ence and under the instruc­tion of Police offi­cer Jose J. Bara­jas, we pre­pare cours­es that per­fect Police Pilots in their tac­ti­cal flight.

Otros Servicios

Other services

We offer struc­tur­al repairs and alter­ations (STC’s):

  • Struc­tur­al repairs and alter­ations (STC’s).
  • Paint: Com­plete, par­tial or Logo
  • Field over­hauls for Robin­son heli­copters.
  • Anti-cor­ro­sion appli­ca­tion with ACF-50.
  • Weight and bal­ance.
  • Dynam­ic bal­anc­ing for air­planes and heli­copters.