About Us


About Us

Aeroser­vi­cios Gen­erales C.A. “ARICA”, start­ed in the late 70’s under the own­er­ship of Sucre Perez B. and then in 1998 son Xavier Perez, pilot at heart, touch over the fam­i­ly busi­ness. He saw a busi­ness oppor­tu­ni­ty in avi­a­tion and re-orga­nized the com­pa­ny to focus more on main­te­nance. ARICA’s HANGAR 7 is locat­ed at the Int’l Air­port (SEGU) Jose Joaquín de Olme­do in Guayaquil, Ecuador. Ser­vices not only Fix wing and Rotor wing air­craft.

As ARICA grew in the mar­ket it has sought out com­pa­nies to rep­re­sent in order to offer a more com­plete ser­vice. Among these com­pa­nies are; Robin­son Heli­copter Com­pa­ny (RHC), Garmin Inter­na­tion­al Inc., AVIDYNE Inc., Sim­plex Aero­space, D.A.C., Bose, ACF-50, David Clack Com­pa­ny, T.A.D., and Tow­cart.

Today ARICA leads the gen­er­al avi­a­tion mar­ket of Ecuador and is one of the few autho­rized com­pa­nies by the Ecuado­ri­an avi­a­tion author­i­ty DGAC (Direc­ción Gen­er­al de Aviación Civ­il) under part 145 and Autho­rized Ser­vice Cen­ter for R22, R44 and R66. Offers a com­plete line in air­craft sales, parts sales, avion­ic sales and Instal­la­tion, line main­te­nance, struc­tur­al repairs, paint, field over­hauls for RHC, anti-cor­ro­sion appli­ca­tion, weight and bal­ance, dynam­ic bal­anc­ing for air­planes and heli­copters.

A full line of sales and ser­vices for the gen­er­al avi­a­tion in Ecuador.”